Your safety is the most important thing to us and we take the Coronavirus / Covid-19 Pandemic seriously. In order to make sure you stay in good health, we take every precaution. Specifically, we are taking the following steps:
- Hand washing is a priority to us, our technicians are making sure you and your family are safe!
- When we arrive at your home, we will ring the doorbell, and then step back 6ft! We spend as little time as possible in your home.
- N95 fitted masks are stocked on every truck.
- If we show any symptoms of illness, our staff stays home.
- The staff here at Cool Change has black Nitrile gloves that are changed out between every home that we service.
If you have any questions or concerns, or special requests for us, please don’t hesitate to ask. We will be more than happy to do whatever it takes to make sure your family stays healthy during this crisis and beyond.